Jammie & Keith Hood


August 2005


Tubal reversal  Aug 12, 2005


R&LT 6-7 cm


 August 2005

I had my tr on Aug 12 . We flew in from Al and was picked up by Marcos. He was very friendly and took us to the hospital. We filled out a little paper work and I was asked if I wanted to have my surgery that night at 7 instead of the next day. I knew because of the other testimonies they would ask this, so I had nothing to eat or drink since that morning. I went to the room and changed. Then the nurses came in to insert my IV. It would have been ok if I wasn't so dehydrated. I had no blood! They tried three times and the first two did not bleed at all.

I went in to surgery and I was totally asleep for the first part. I woke up for the last bit and thought I felt something but it was nothing after 2 C-sections. The first night was the worst but the pain med's helped. I would definitely not come with out my husband Keith. All day sat. we watch TV. They had plenty of channels to keep us entertained for the day. One thing I would have done is stopped and bought a cooler with some drinks and more snacks. The nurses had a few pesos to change for Keith for the coke machine. That night Marcos stopped buy to tell us to be ready to leave early so that we could cross the border before the traffic.

That next morning I had my shower and the nurses wrapped me very tight with a giant ace bandage. This made it easer to ride on the roads but made it hard to sit, I was very grateful. Marcos came and got us and we had no problem with the border. He and Keith got along very well. We arrived at the airport with enough time to eat before we left. It took me about a week to feel normal. Dr. Levi was a sweet man and answered all of my questions. He is a great doctor. We hope to up date our testimony with good news.

Thanks yall.
Jammie and Keith Hood


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