Brianna Penney


February 2007


Tubal ligation


Tubal reversal 



Pregnancy #1 mc


8-9 cm  both Tubes


HSG 4/2007 Both sides wide open



September 2007

In July I had wonderful news - positive pregnancy test. My dh and I were overjoyed. Unfortunately my pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. We are very sad that the pregnancy ended but grateful to know the plumbing works. We are continuing to try, and it will happen when God thinks it's right.

April 2007

Just a brief update. I had my HSG done today, 04/02/07. Fast spillage, and everything is open. I could ask for a better set of functioning fallopian tubes.

Once again, kudos to Dr. Perez and Dr. Levi.

Feb 2007

Where do you begin when you have reached a long awaited end? In my case back home, Florida.  I had my initial sterilization on 07/92 after the birth of my last child. At the time I was 23 years old, and had one of each. One boy and one girl, why would I ever think about having another child?  Life has a strange way of shifting through out the years; which has placed me into a fairy tale of dreams. Needless to say, I longed to have another child. Living in South Florida, medical extortion is nothing new. When I came across Dr. Perez and Dr. Levi's site, I knew this is where I would be going.

My sister accompanied me and we were treated exceptionally well. Even though our Spanish is 0 to 0 we were able to communicate. Dr. Levi and his staff were diligent, well versed and kind. I thank all of them for their wonderful care and hospitality.

The hospital is as most have stated, small but thoroughly clean. The rooms are spacious, and a gourmet coffee house is within walking distance. If you have dollars, most establishments will except and give you pesos in return. However the vending machine only excepts pesos. If you are in the mood and up to walking following your surgery, you must try the hotels restaurant. "Fantastic"!

Overall, my experience was great, and would I do this over again...most definitely yes. After my operation, I now have 8 - 9 cm's of tube on both the left and right sides. I am ecstatic and thank everyone for their wonderful care. Well now it's up to God, hubby and time.

For those of you hesitating because of the location, I work in the medical field, primarily plastic surgery post-op, and I have seen top American doctors and International doctors succeed and botch procedures. It can happen anywhere too anyone.   Have faith in the capable hands of Dr. Perez and Dr. Levi. But mostly in the man who hung on the cross; reflected in the large wooden one that hangs above the operating room doors.

I'll keep you posted!
Brianna Penney
Surgery date: 02/19/07
Tube Length: Right 8-9 cm
Left 8-9 cm


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