State |
Maryland |
Date |
July 20, 2002 |
Ligation |
Tube length |
L |
R |
1 |
It's a
Girl! 6//19/03 |
2 |
It's a
boy! 11/30/04 |
3 |
It's a
boy! 10/27/05 |
Age |
Update! May 2006
Our reversal was July 20, 2002. Since that time we have had three,
yep that's three,
beautiful reversal babies. As you all know Kathryn Rose was born
June 19, 2003, Samuel Robert followed November 30, 2004, and Taylor
Allen Jene just arrived October 27, 2005.
Everyday that I wake up to these beauties, I am reminded of Dr.
Perez and the dreams that he helped make a reality. What a blessing
all of this has been. I know that I am extremely blessed to
have our TR babies and I wouldn't change a thing.
I have endometriosis and had numerous problems the last several
pregnancies so it appears that this is the end of this journey for
us. We still hope to do foster care and/or adopt when we get settled
into our new home later this year.
If I could say one thing to anyone thinking about it a TR it would
be this:
God knows the desires of your heart and if they are in alignment
with His will, He will make it happen. You only need to step out in
faith! God took care of everything from child care to plane tickets
and other finances. When that happens you can't, nor should you,
question His will or authority! He is gracious and compassionate!
Val Bachert
Taylor Allen Jene
born October 27, 2005
Samuel Robert
born November 30, 2004
Kathyrn Rose
Born June 19th, 2003
Update! May 2006
Our reversal was July 20, 2002. Since that time we have had three,
yep that's three,
beautiful reversal babies. As you all know Kathryn Rose was born
June 19, 2003, Samuel Robert followed November 30, 2004, and Taylor
Allen Jene just arrived October 27, 2005.
Everyday that I wake up to these beauties, I am reminded of Dr.
Perez and the dreams that he helped make a reality. What a blessing
all of this has been. I know that I am extremely blessed to
have our TR babies and I wouldn't change a thing.
I have endometriosis and had numerous problems the last several
pregnancies so it appears that this is the end of this journey for
us. We still hope to do foster care and/or adopt when we get settled
into our new home later this year.
If I could say one thing to anyone thinking about it a TR it would
be this:
God knows the desires of your heart and if they are in alignment
with His will, He will make it happen. You only need to step out in
faith! God took care of everything from child care to plane tickets
and other finances. When that happens you can't, nor should you,
question His will or authority! He is gracious and compassionate!
July 2002
We left Baltimore, MD by Southwest airlines Thursday afternoon.
Southwest only flies to Harlingen not McAllen so after a change of
planes in Houston we landed in Harlingen LATE Thursday night. We got
a rental car through Avis at the airport and drove to McAllen which
is only about 30 min away. I found a room at the Super 8 right off
the interstate that was reasonable. It is right down the road from
the Wal-Mart which we wanted so we could get dh food, pillow,
blanket, etc for Mexico.
We left Saturday morning around 7:30 for Mexico. We stopped for
coffee and still made it to the hospital by 8:20. We followed the
directions from the website to the hospital. I hope it does not
offend anyone but I saw no street signs once we turned off Mexico 2
so just for clarification it is the first left and then the first
right. The hospital is right off the main road!
No one was at the front desk when we got to the hospital so we sat
and waited for someone to come out. One of the nurses came out after
about 10 minutes. Once she found out that we didn't speak Spanish
she made a phone call and took me to my room. Allen filled out my
paperwork as best he could and I was put in a gown, given an IV, and
taken in for surgery. Levy came in to check on us and make sure I
understood what was going on.
I remember going to surgery and meeting the anesthesiologist and
turning to get the epidural but that is about it! I also remember
looking for and seeing the cross with Christ hanging on the wall
above the door, it was comforting. I don't even remember meeting Dr.
Perez before going "out." Allen says I woke up several times but I
only remember waking up once seeing him there.
I was in a lot of pain that night after the epidural and foley were
removed. A word to the wise, I waited to long to ask for medicine,
if it starts hurting the nurses understand what "pain" means! The
nurses are wonderful, even with the language barrier I thought they
were better and more caring than most here in the states. They try
very hard to make sure you understand and are comfortable.
The trip back was long and painful! Plan on taking it easy for at
least a full two days after you get home.
Levy said we have an 89% chance of conceiving but I don't think it
really matters to us what the percentage is. God has been good to us
and showed us that this was the right thing to do. We should never
have had the money to go so when He provided it and answered our
prayer we had no doubts. We feel good about the whole thing.
Thank you everyone for you support and prayers! We would never have
found Dr. Perez if it hadn't been for you all.
With much love, God bless you all.
Valerie and Allen Bachert |