State |
Alabama |
Date |
18, 2002 |
Ligation |
Tube length |
L |
R |
1 |
2 |
Age |
Feb 2002
We drove from Alabama to Mexico. We
took our 13 year old son. We arrived in Pharr about 1 p.m. on
Sunday. We crossed over so we would know right where to go Monday
morning. Toll was $1.50, no questions were asked. It was a 15 minute
ride but it took us over 2 hours because we turned too soon and got
lost. When crossing back from Mexico to US it took about 30 minutes
and a $2.20 toll. The man at the booth didn't seem to believe our
story about driving from Alabama to Mexico for a surgery, so he sent
us over for an inspection. That man also thought we were nuts. I did
have the name of the hospital and address and Dr. Perez's phone
number written down. This did make us more "credible" :0)
We got a room at the Pharr Executive Inn, just a mile or two from
the boarder. It was $35 total, clean, with phone and TV, but no
extras. We asked for a wake up call and did NOT get one. (If you
stay here BEWARE!!!! there was a hard core porn station on the
television!). Monday morning we headed out for the hospital.
Our admitting nurse did not speak English. She got my name off my
operative reports that I brought along and our address off my
husband's license. One nurse spoke pretty good English, the rest we
did a lot of hand signs with and smiled A LOT! Levi came in and was
VERY nice. He is not a doctor yet, still in school. But he was the
one that brought me the most comfort and reassurance. Our room had a
TV. a love seat and a cot type bed. My son brought his sleeping bag
and pillow. Hubby slept on the love seat.
What they might have lack in technology and equipment they made up
with compassion and skill. They were very gentle. The IV was put in
on the first stick--very unusual for me. Then came an old man to
take blood. He spoke English, took his time, and got the needle in
on the FIRST try!! I have rolling veins and this is almost unheard
The OR was small and had no cross, or music. Not complaining though.
The anesthesiologist started rambling away. I just looked at him and
said "I don't speak any Spanish". He looked at me with surprise and
said "You speak no Spanish? None at all? Nothing?" I said "Hola" and
smiled! He laughed and said, "I speak no English, none at all." as
he laughed. He does speak English. He put the sleepy stuff in my IV,
and someone put the catheter, I really don't remember too much about
that, they were fast and skilled. He and Levi rolled me over to do
the epidural. It hurt, but nowhere as much as the other ones I've
had in the past. Next thing I know the surgery was about over, and I
slept through most of it. My husband was in there and was telling me
everything looked good and Dr. Perez was on the second tube. Each
time I woke up the anesthesiologist would ask me if I was okay and
if I had any pain. It took about 2 hours, I needed no reconstruction
and Levi said my tubes were in good shape.
They left the epidural in for the pain med. They brought me some
food around 10:30 p.m. Jello, juice, cookies and hot tea. I slept
about 4 hours all night, no hospital bed is comfortable. They took
my catheter and IV out around 7:30 a.m. and brought me some
Dr. Perez came in around 9 a.m., looked at the incision, told us to
wait 15 days before having relations and 4 months to try to
conceive. Our son took a picture of the 3 of us and we were on our
way--after looking in the nursery at the 2 beautiful babies.
It took us about 10 minutes to cross the boarder and $2.20. This
time we had our paperwork from the hospital in hand in case they
start to question us again.
DISAPPOINTMENTS: I never saw Dr. Perez until I was discharged. Levi
came in the room after surgery and then he had to leave, but I never
saw Dr. Perez. No hot water in my room. (though everyone else had
hot water).
Levi. Clean hospital. Levi. Nurses were kind and gentle. I was
treated as a person and not a number. Levi. Our cost was $1700. No
extra med., reconstruction, no problems Levi. It was quiet.
Did I mention Levi? :0)
Would I do it again? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God bless all of you,
Kathy B.