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Jun 12, 2002 |
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It's a boy!
Oct 31, 2003 |
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Welcome Macario
I'm very pleased to say we had our son on October 31, 2003. He
weighed 8lbs and was 20 1/2 inches long. I had a wonderful labor,
the Good Lord was with me the entire way, He was my only pain
reliever. Please continue to spread the good word about Dr. Perez I
feel blessed to have found him through your website!
June 2002
I went to Rio bravo with my Mom and sister-in-law on 06-12-2002. It
was an 8 HR drive from Waco, TX. We got to the border before 6 a.m
so we had to wait for them to open the border crossing. We got to
the hospital around 6:30 a.m. I checked in and was put in a
wonderful three section room( hospital bed / living area/bathroom).
The room smelled like lavender.
I was fortunate to meet Dr. Levi (DR Perez great assistant). The
nurse came in and put in my IV. I had to wait a little longer
because Dr. Perez was delivering a baby. When Dr. Perez arrived I
was taken to the OR where I was introduced to Dr. Diaz the
anesthesiologist who joked that we must be cousins because of our
last names. I glanced around the room for the cross I'd read about
in previous testimonies, spotted it, and was back in my room..... at
least it felt like that fast! My Mom said I was in surgery for about
2 1/2 hrs counting recovery. While I rested my Mom and my
Sister-in-law went shopping with my coworker's family who live in
Rio Bravo, Tamp.
I was up and ready to go the next morning I took pictures with the
crew and left ay noon with a 90% chance to conceive. It is now April
Thanks to Dr. Perez, his staff and the good Lord above who blessed
us with our pregnancy.
Rosie & Juan Escobedo |

Macario |