State |
Date |
Nov 2002 |
Sterilized |
lengths |
L 7 |
R7 |
1 |
5/26/04 |
2 |
12/18/05 |
3 |
6/11/07 |
Age |
28 |
Noah Samuel
I just wanted to update my story! Our 3rd reversal
baby was born June 11, 2007. He was 9 lbs. 14 oz.
October 2006
We would like to share our
blessing! We are expecting our 5th child and 3rd reversal
baby! His or her due date is June 3rd.
We are very excited and are thanking God today!
Elijah Deron
Our new baby has arrived, a surprise 8 days
early! He was born at 12:05 a.m. yesterday (12/18), and we LOVED
our first homebirth! Our midwife barely made it--my labor and
delivery were only 3 hours, start to finish! But she was
here, and everything went great. He weighed exactly 8 pounds and
measured exactly 20 inches. I am feeling really good, and he is
nursing very well. So, we're all very happy here!
Hannah Joy
Born May 26 2004 weighing 9 pounds, 9.6 ounces and 20" long.
Praise the Lord for a successful VBAC!! And in a real answer to
prayer, her daddy was given special permission to stay on the
phone in Iraq while I was pushing and while she was being born!!
Her big brothers Christopher and Caleb couldn't be more proud!
November 2002
My husband and I flew to McAllen. We set out for Rio Bravo about 6
Saturday morning. We had absolutely no problems crossing the border.
We did not get stopped or anything. I would reiterate the advice we
read for crossing the bridge; stay in the far LEFT lane--this is for
passenger cars. The right lane full of trucks will take hours! I
think the toll going into Mexico was $2.50. We had very little
trouble finding the hospital. I think the total trip took us about
40 minutes from hotel to hospital. We rented from Dollar Rent A Car
at the McAllen Airport; their Mexican insurance is about $25/day. We
got a great rate on a car from them online. We stayed at the Holiday
Inn Express in McAllen, right by the airport; again, we got a great
rate with them online. It is right by a big mall with lots of eating
When we got into the hospital, things were pretty busy! There were 2
other American couples there for TR surgery. Levi was very busy
because they were also delivering 2 babies! I changed into a gown,
and then after a bit, they came in to start my IV. A major word of
advice to those of you flying--air travel dehydrates, and I was
somewhat dehydrated! I had realized this after it was too late to
eat or drink anything the night before. My veins are difficult to
find anyway, and the dehydration made it worse! Everyone was very
gentle and caring, though, and we eventually got it in. After that,
we basically just waited and rested. I read and my hubby napped
while we waited. The other lady had her surgery, which involved a
lot of reconstruction, and at least one baby was delivered.
Eventually Levi came and I was taken to surgery about 2:00.
It went as others have said...I got on the table and turned to my
side to prepare for the epidural, and then Levi mercifully came and
put the "knock out juice" into my IV, and I blissfully slept through
the epidural and catheter being put in. After that, I woke up just
as they were starting the surgery and asked for my husband, who they
brought to my side. From then on, I was mostly awake. I was so glad
to be awake! I felt like I did when I had my last child by
c-section. I just laid there, praising God that I was even that
moment being made whole again! It was wonderful to share that with
my husband--a very special time. He was able to "report" to me what
Dr. Perez and Levi were doing. We had even borrowed the other
couple's digital camera, so my hubby kept taking pictures and then
showing them to me so I could "see" what was going on! He said that
Dr. Perez and Levi worked together like clockwork--a perfect team.
The anesthesiologist could not have been more kind. The surgery
itself was a very joyful, happy time for me that I will always
After the surgery, I was taken back to my room, and I just rested. I
never got to talk to Dr. Perez, but my husband did, and he was very
impressed with him and just really liked him. Levi was as wonderful
as everyone has claimed though, and very considerate and caring. My
IV and catheter stayed in overnight. I would definitely recommend
that those who don't know Spanish learn the words for "pain" and
"medicine" for the overnight hours! Levi and Dr. Perez are of course
not there overnight, and the nurses do not speak English! They could
not have been more kind, though.
The next day, after my IV and catheter were removed, I was able to
get up and around more and more as the hours passed, and we left the
hospital about 1 in the afternoon. In Rio Bravo, my husband found a
great little place for Carne Asada Tacos--an outdoor stand--they
were fantastic! He went looking for some good food while I was in
the hospital. The hospital folks can direct you to this. We then
went back to McAllen...spent about 30 minutes waiting in line to get
back over the border. I think the toll was $1.95 going back. We
again were not searched or stopped. We stayed in McAllen until
Tuesday, resting up, and then flew home.
Our whole experience was wonderful. I would definitely recommend
going down there to anyone, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Levi said that my tubes were in great shape, no reconstruction was
necessary, and I have about 7 cm on each side. I am young--28--so he
said that my chances are very high that I will conceive. But we all
know Who is REALLY in charge of that!
Mindy Morriss

Noah Samuel |

Elijah Deron |

Hannah Joy |