State |
Date |
Aug 28, 2002 |
Ligation |
Tube length |
L |
R |
1 |
It's a Girl! 2/03/05 |
2 |
May 1, 2006 |
Age |
March 2006
We are currently pregnant again and I
am 33 weeks which we are expecting a little boy this time. Due
date is May 1st 2006. Good luck to everyone. Thank
you again Dr. Perez
The Murray family
Welcome Kaylin
born on
Feb.03, 2005 She weighed 7 lbs 7 oz.
June 2004
I just wanted to update everyone my DH was gone for 13 months in
Iraq so we had to put everything on hold. He came home April
3rd 2004 and June 3rd I had a blood test and we are pregnant! hoping
for a health pregnancy. I will keep updated as we find out. God
Bless everyone don't give up it took a year and 8 months for our
first positive.
August 2002
I had my surgery August 28th. We got to McAllen TX the day before so
we drove to the hospital to find it. We got there and there was
another Dr. there who spoke a little English and told the nurses
what we were there for. I filled out my paper work and they showed
us our room where we would be staying. It was very clean and roomy.
So the next morning we got there and the nurse came took my blood
and done the IV. I was supposed to have my surgery at 8:00am.
However I didn't go in until 11:00 a.m. They called and had Levy
come in -- which was wonderful. They took me to the operating room
and the nurses and anesthesiologist were there. They gave me some
medicine in my IV and had me roll over to the side of the bed to do
my epidural. I only remember moving to the edge of the table.
All said and done, he said it was a 80% chance. I am so happy to be
able to try, if it is meant to be then it will be. It was a
wonderful experience, my husband video taped the surgery. . Dr.
Perez came in several times before the surgery to talk with us and
again after the surgery. After surgery Levy and my husband went to
eat, and then Levy even went with him so he could pick up some gifts
to take back.
There are very caring, understanding and very considerate. Levy came
in the next morning around 6:00 and told us we could leave when we
wanted, he changed my bandage before we left.
I would do it all over again. I thank God every day for leading me
to Dr. Perez and his staff.
Goldie Murray
Kaylin |