State |
Date |
Feb 20,
2002 |
Ligation |
Dec 06, 1994 |
Tube length |
L |
R |
1 |
It's a boy!
Jan 7, 03 |
2 |
It's a Girl!
Aug 15, 04 |
3 |
It's a boy! Dec
16, 06 |
4 |
mc |
Age |
Welcome Kalen Shawn
We would like to add our newest
reversal baby's name to our testimony. He was born December 16,
2006, weighing 11 lbs. 3 oz. and 22 inches long.
This is our third reversal baby.
Emily May
Welcomed into the world August 15, 2004 at 9:20 am, weighing in
at 8 lbs and 14 oz and measuring 21 1/2 inches long.
Thank you, Lord!
Welcome Torin Seaburn
Our beautiful baby boy was
welcomed into this world Jan. 7,2003 at 10:51 am, weighing 9
lbs. 9 oz. , length 21 and 3\4 in. He is our first reversal baby
but not the last. Thank you, Lord!
February 2002
We arrived in Pharr, Texas a day prior to my surgery. We wanted to
go and talk to Dr. Perez and see the hospital before my surgery. We
stayed at the Country Hearth Inn and it was wonderful there. We left
at 3:00 pm to go to Rio Bravo. Not at anytime did we have to wait
for more than 10 minutes to get through the border. They even
checked our vehicle once. It cost us 1.50 to go into Mexico and 2.20
to get out. We packed an ice chest for our trip full of sandwich
stuff so we could munch on the way and not have to stop often. I
would NOT recommend anyone going alone, you WILL need help. I met
with Dr. Perez the day before and asked all of my questions and he
answered them.
The day of surgery, they came in and put me in a wheelchair and took
me to surgery. I was not sure where I was going but found out real
fast when I saw Dr. Perez in his scrubs. I tried to ask the
anesthesiologist about my husband but he did not understand. I was
getting a little worried until Dr. Perez walked in and assured me he
was going to get him in just a few minutes. I laid down on the table
and the anesthesiologist started administering the medication
through the IV, and before I was totally out he had me turn on my
side and get into a fetal position for the epidural and I was out.
They put the catheter in after I was out. Each time I woke up I
spoke to my husband and each time they would just give me a little
more medicine in the IV and I would go right back out. They have
music on in the operating room. They made sure to show my husband
all that they were doing. When I woke after the surgery I was in my
room. I was never in any bad pain. They left the epidural in until
that night around 8 pm and I was glad, it kept me comfortable all
The hospital is very clean. We recommend you bring videos from home.
Our TV. had a built in VCR. They do have about four stations that
are English speaking with sub titles but the rest are totally
Spanish speaking. We also highly recommend learning certain words
like ... hungry, shower, pain, food, blankets, pillows, patient, etc
in Spanish.
***Added by husband***
I just wanted to add some things to what my wife wrote....
First, my wife was severely apprehensive about the epidural since
she had never had one, but she has had no side affects and she seems
grateful to have had one. She was already "out" when the did it and
it never caused any discomfort.
If I remember right, Levi said he was only available certain days.
He came in around mid-day after the surgery. I had him rolling with
laughter, griping about filling out ALL those traveler's checks with
Dr. Perez' wife LONG name.<grin> He also said the nurses are taking
English lessons.
When I went in to the operating room, the incision was already made,
it was about 3 inches long. Angel was awake and she said (groggily)
"I don't want to be awake when they start". I thought "Uh, too late"
lol. But obviously she didn't feel a thing. He kept injecting a
litter medicine at a time (about 5-10 min. worth) when she would
come awake. I asked Dr. Perez how many women wanted to "not be
awake" during the surgery and he laughed and said "all of them"
One thing he did that I thought was special was to bring me around
to the side (up close) for each completed tube and display his work
to me so I could sort of "confirm" that the tubes were indeed whole
again. Very thoughtful.
Shawn |